Se ha publicado el número 3 (2021) del boletín Chemistry in Europe (CiE), editado por la EuChemS, que busca mantener actualizadas a las organizaciones miembros sobre las últimas investigaciones y desarrollos que se llevan a cabo en Europa.
En esta edición:
- Editorial – Read…
- Challenges towards a sustainable future.
- Focus – Read…
- EuChemS Calls for nominations.
- Mark your calendar!
- Policy – Read…
- MSCA on the Horizon (Europe).
- NextGenerationEU: how research and science will make it real.
- Research – Read…
- Insects as Novel Food in the European Union – Assessing their Safety.
- Members’ Perspectives – Read…
- Inaugural Meeting of the Swiss Chemical Society’s “Section Chemistry and the Environment”.
- Meet… – Read…
- Welcome in your new role at EuChemS!
- Interview with Jan Mehlich, recipient of the 2020 EuChemS Award for Service.
- Networks… – Read…
- The EYCN: Steering the Boat through a Global Pandemic.
- EuChemS Working Party Ethics in Chemistry: “Join our activities!”.
- President’s column – Read…
- Conference on the Future of Europe.
- Chemistry Talks – Read…
- Interview with Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim.
- Paradigm shift in organic chemistry.
- Calendar – Read…
Accede al número completo: 2021-3.