Se ha publicado el número de febrero de 2022 del boletín Brussels News Updates, que edita mensualmente la EuChemS. Incluye noticias de actualidad en el sector así como información sobre los próximos eventos y premios.

En esta edición:

  • European Highlights:
    • European universities taking part in the solution to Europe’s major societal challenges. Read…
    • Circular economy: MEPs call for strengthening EU batteries regulations. Read…
    • Joint meeting of European Parliament committee to address the Farm to Fork strategy. Read…
    • New very high concern substances added to the ECHA Candidate List. Read…
    • Save the date: upcoming UN environment meeting on plastic, waste and chemical pollution. Read…
    • Regulations to make the EU better prepared to manage future health crises. Read…
  • What’s new at EuChemS:
    • GWB2022: the final stretch. Read…
    • A summary of the many EuChemS 2021 activities. Read…
    • EuChemS joins the call for setting up a global panel on chemicals, waste, and pollution. Read…
  • Consultations & Roadmaps:
    • European Commission Public Consultations and Roadmaps. Read…
    • European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) public consultations. Read…
    • European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) public consultations. Read…
  • Calls for fundings and Awards. Read…
  • EuChemS events. Read…

Accede al número completo: February 2022.