II Seminar for Young PhD students in Materials Science (YOUMAT24)

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On April 25, 2024, the Institute of Materials Science of Madrid (ICMM), CSIC, is hosting its II Seminar for Young Materials Researchers (YOUMAT24). The event is taking place in the ICMM Assembly Hall, from 8.30 AM to 6 PM.

This meeting aims to promote communication and interaction between young people who are starting research in the area of Materials Science, as well as to create a space in which these young people from our centre can discuss the results of their work with senior staff. In addition, it is intended that young students from Madrid universities can attend so that they can get to know the ICMM, and consider it among their options to develop their end-of-degree, master’s degree projects, or carry out their doctoral thesis.

DEADLINE for abstract submission: 15th March 24.

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