Girona Seminar 2024
Auditori de la Mercè Gerona, EspañaThe Girona Seminar, and the corresponding Young Researchers Symposium, will take place in the city of Girona, Catalonia (Spain). The meetings will be held from May 28th to May 31st [...]
The Girona Seminar, and the corresponding Young Researchers Symposium, will take place in the city of Girona, Catalonia (Spain). The meetings will be held from May 28th to May 31st [...]
The XVth edition of the International School on Organometallic Chemistry “Marcial Moreno Mañas” is organized by the ORFEO-CINQA Network. It will be held from May 29th to May 31st, 2024 [...]
The ESPA2024 conference, to be held in conjunction with the III Meeting of the GEQC, which will take in Tarragona from June 3-7, 2024. The conference covers different aspects of [...]
La Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales de España invita a la XI Conferencia del Ciclo Ciencia para Todos que en esta ocasión pronunciará D. Nazario Martín León [...]
The "Cheminformatics, Automation and Machine Learning in Chemistry: from fundamental concepts to emerging techniques" (CAMLC 2024) workshop will take place from June 16 - 19th, 2024. It aims to introduce [...]
The 10th edition of the Iberian Meeting on Colloids and Interfaces (RICI X) will take place from June 23th to June 26th, 2024, at the historical city of Coimbra, Portugal. [...]
The Second Symposium for Young Chemists: Innovation and Sustainability (SYNC 2024) will be held in Rome from 24 to 28 June 2024. SYNC 2024 symposium is a unique gathering designed specifically [...]
La Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales de España invita a la XIV y última conferencia del Ciclo Ciencia para Todos 2024. Este Ciclo se cerrará con la [...]
La XXIX Reunión Bienal del Grupo Especializado de Química Orgánica tendrá lugar en Santa Cruz de Tenerife, entre el 26 y el 28 de julio de 2024. El Comité Científico [...]
La Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales de España celebra sesión solemne para dar posesión de su plaza de Académico de Número al Excmo. Sr. D. Jesús Martínez Frías quien leerá [...]