A PhD Thesis position in the project SUSCATYME is available. The SUSCATYME project aims to develop sustainable approaches in catalysis by merging two largely unexplored concepts. Original supramolecular ligands will be prepared that include a catalytically active site formed by a first-row transition metal complex derived from Fe, Ni, Co, or Cu, while a substrate recognition site will be placed at a precise distance to reach a given selectivity in the substrate. The work will be conducted in co-supervision by Dr. Rafael Gramage Doria (OMC group, ISCR, University of Rennes) and Dr. Thibault Troadec (COSM group, CEMCA, University of Brest).


University of Rennes / University of Brest (France)

Fecha límite/Deadline:

The selection process ends once a candidate is selected.

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2024-07-30T17:18:56+02:0030 julio 2024|

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