Some highlights from Chemistry Europe and the participating chemical societies:
- Press Release: Stefan Grimme Awarded the 2025 Chemistry Europe Award. Read…
- Commentary: Who Are the Chemistry Europe Fellows Class of 2022/23?. Read…
- Behind the Science Interview: From Inspiration to Discovery: Small Ligand Alloying for Multifunctional Magnetic Materials . Read…
- Spotlight: How Ozempic Works: (Bio)Chemical Perspectives on Weight Loss Drugs. Read…
- Collection: The Content You Liked Best in 2024. Read…
- News: New President of the Polish Chemical Society (PCS). Watch…
- News: Chemistry – A European Journal: 30 Years of Excellence. Read…
- Advertorial: Which Co-Discoverer of Organic Stereochemistry Lived in this House in Paris? Read…
- Please Support: Historic Chemists and Their Houses: Please Share Your Knowledge!. Read…
- Video: Making Science Fun Also for the General Public. Read…
- Upcoming Events
- GDCh: Science Forum Chemistry 2025.Read…
- SCI: Analytical Spectroscopy Meeting (ISA 2025). Read…
- RSEQ: 40th Biennial Meeting of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry. Read…
- SPQ: 22nd International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Utilization (ICCDU 2025). Read…
- KNCV: Netherlands’ Catalysis and Chemistry Conference XXVI 2025 (NCCC). Read…
- SCF: French Conference on Catalysis (FCCat 2025). Read…
- Events Calendar. Read…
- Editors’ Choice: Chemistry Spotlights. Read…