El pasado 8 de Febrero de 2019 EuCheMS emitió un informe de posición respecto a la implementación del Plan S.
“EuChemS supports the transition to Open Access (OA) in scientific publishing. Access to research and dissemination of knowledge is a fundamental purpose of our community’s values and aims. As a representative for research chemists and chemical societies across Europe, we welcome the conversation and the debate that this has engendered and look forward to working together with all stakeholders on finding sustainable solutions that secure the interests of researchers, societies, funders, librarians and publishers involved in the important task of disseminating scientific research.
Although the implementation guidelines provide some clarifications, we believe the consequences of Plan S remain unclear and could undermine the visibility and vitality of European research on a global stage if not properly implemented.”
Disponible en: https://www.euchems.eu/euchems-issues-position-paper-on-the-guidance-on-the-implementation-of-plan-s/