El próximo 30 de septiembre a las 11 am la Real Sociedad Española de Química celebrará el Chemistry Europe Fellows Day de forma telemática. Durante el encuentro, los doctores Pedro J. Pérez, Ana C. Albéniz y Tomás Torres recientemente reconocidos como Chemistry Europe Fellows 2018/2019, impartirán tres charlas científicas e interactuarán con los asistentes.
- 11:00 h.- Welcome – Antonio Echavarren, Presidente de la Real Sociedad Española de Química
- 11:10 h.- Carbon-nitrogen bond formation through N-F bond activation: A tribute to Kilian Muñiz – Pedro J. Pérez
- 11:40 h.- Insights into palladium catalyzed cross coupling reactions of simple arenes – Ana C. Albéniz
- 12:10 h.- Subphthalocyanines: Singular aromatic non-planar molecules – Tomás Torres
- 12:40 h.- Questions and discussion
- 12:55 h.- Closing
La Real Sociedad Española de Química invita a sus miembros y a todos los que estén interesados en participar, a inscribirse en el siguiente formulario.
Pedro J. Pérez (FRSC, Chemistry Europe Fellow) is Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at Universidad de Huelva. He graduated graduated in Chemistry in 1987 and received his Ph.D. degree in Organometallic Chemistry (1991) in the Universidad de Sevilla, under the supervision of Prof. Ernesto Carmona. As a Fulbright Scholar, he then joined Prof. Brookhart’s group at UNC-Chapel Hill (USA). In 1993 he moved to the new University founded in Huelva, as an Assistant Professor (1993-1995), later becoming Lecturer (1995) before the final promotion to the current position (2005). His work is mainly devoted to the development of late transition-metal complexes as catalysts for transformations involving saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons. He is the founder and current Director of the Center for Research in Sustainable Chemistry (CIQSO) at Universidad de Huelva, where he is Leader of the Homogeneous Catalysis Laboratory. He has been recognized by the Royal Society of Chemistry of Spain with the Research Prize and Medal (2016) and the Inorganic Chemistry Award (2007). The Royal Society of Chemistry distinguished him with the 2015 Homogeneous Catalysis Award. He is member of the Academia Europaea (2018) and the Royal Academy of Sciences of Spain (2014). He has served as member of the Advisory Board of Organometallics, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry and Chemistry: A European Journal. He is currently Editor of Advances in Organometallic Chemistry. Services to RSEQ include President of the Organometallic Division (GEQO, 2010-2014), Secretary General (2012-2014), Member of the Council (several terms). Member of the Council of the Organometallic Chemistry Division of Euchems (2016-2018). Member of the Chemistry Europe Council (2020-).
Ana C. Albéniz is a Full Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Valladolid. Born and raised in Calahorra (La Rioja), she studied chemistry at the University of Zaragoza and obtained her Ph. D. at the University of Valladolid in 1989 under the supervision of Prof. Pablo Espinet. She spent two years working as a postdoctoral Fulbright fellow in Prof. Crabtree’s group at Yale University. Then, she returned to Valladolid as an Associate Professor and, since 2007, she is a Full Professor working in the Center for Innovation in Chemistry and Advanced Materials (CINQUIMA) at the University of Valladolid. Her research interests include the development and mechanistic study of new metal-catalyzed reactions applied to organic synthesis, the synthesis of new polymers, and their application in catalysis as recyclable supports for catalysts and reagents. Among other activities, she has been chemistry coordinator of the Spanish National Evaluation Agency (ANEP) and currently she is the President of the Organometallic Chemistry Group (GEQO) of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry. She is a member of the Editorial Board of the European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry and of the International Advisory Board of Organometallics (ACS).
Tomás Torres is Head of the Institute for Advanced Research in Chemical Sciences (IAdChem) and Full Professor of Organic Chemistry at the Autónoma University of Madrid (UAM) and Associated Senior Scientist at the IMDEA Nanoscience. In addition to various aspects of synthetic and supramolecular chemistry, his current research interests include the preparation and study of optical properties of organic functional materials. His group, that presently consists of twenty-five researchers, is currently exploring several areas of basic research and applications of phthalocyanines, porphyrins and carbon nanostructures (fullerenes, carbon nanotubes, graphene), including organic and hybrid solar cells, and photodynamic therapy, with a focus on nanotechnology. He has been a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines (John Wiley and Sons) (1997-2006) and is an Associated Editor of the same journal since 2006. Torres belongs to the Editorial Board of Chemical Society Reviews (RSC, United Kingdom), 2015-), is a member of the International Advisory Board of Chemical Communications (RSC, UK, 2012-), and recently he was nominated Editorial Board Co-Chair of ChemPlusChem (Wiley-VC) (2020-). He is a member of the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (Germany), the American Chemical Society (USA), the Electrochemical Society (USA), and the Royal Society of Chemistry of Spain.